78 – Of wyse heads



Neutral Spinet Recording

Organ - added repeat

In terms of ornamentation, this recording is similar to the expressive spinet performance. However, the piece is played at a much more lively tempo which makes it feel jollier. Perhaps the most unsuccessful thing about this transformation is the rather poorly executed repeat; it just doesn’t seem to work. However, the jolly affect coupled with a bright registration of 8’, 4’ and 2’ flues (which would have been possible on Tudor organs) results in this recording have some charming aspects despite not being completely convincing.


Spinet - expressive

This performance focuses on emphasising the expressive nature of this madrigal. This is done through the use of a slow tempo and the liberal application of rich and varied ornamentation. I chose to dwell on the numerous suspensions to heighten the introspective emotional feeling that this interpretation exudes. The feeling of time seeming to pause around the generous spreading of chords at cadential points also helps to emphasise this affect.


70 – My frindes


82 – The man is blest