110 – Synce thow art false to me



Neutral Spinet Recording

Organ - dance with repeats

This recording on the organ is a very interesting reimagining of this piece. Through my interpretation, I have turned this piece into a slow and heavy dance. It features a short rhythmic ostinato in the pedal at the start, which occasionally returns throughout the performance. In a general sense, the ornamentation is kept to a minimum. Most of the interest in this recording is created through the constant rhythmic drive. The fiery reed stops dominate the texture, which is aimed at recreating the sound of a sackbut and cornet ensemble. Similarly, the phrasing is inspired by with woodwind and brass instruments. Repeats are added freely throughout.


Spinet - contrasting dance

This recording contrasts greatly with the organ interpretation of this piece; it is a much lighter reworking of this piece as a lively dance. In this regard, the spinet is the perfect instrument for such a performance. It’s thin sound combined with the immediacy of the key action allow for this instrument to convey a great sense of energy. In terms of articulation, I chose a mostly staccato and detached style for this performance which helps to convey energy and excitement.


90 – When Cressyde wente from troye


113 – When grypinge griefes