88 – I smyle to see howe yow devyse



Neutral Spinet Recording

Chamber Organ - dance

This recording on the chamber organ attempts to transform this piece into a dance. In regard to phrasing, I was inspired by Renaissance brass and woodwind groups playing in a slightly more detached style. This detached way of playing helps to emphasise the strong beats of each bar which can be easily lost on the organ. To the addition of a complete repeat of the piece (on a new registration) is intended to contrast with the simpler first section. In the repeat, the registration is brighter and the ornamentation is more freely applied throughout. This helps to emphasise the lively and jolly affects at this piece has. For me, I can easily imagine a group of people dancing to this recording.


Harpsichord - introspective

This rendition is completely different from the chamber organ version. It is much slower and more introspective: each note feels as though it is being agonised over. Ornamentation is richly applied throughout, and dissonances are over exaggerated in order to heighten the emotional expression heard in this recording. In some ways it is inspired by the later style of durezza e ligature commonly found in music by Frescobaldi and Purcell. While this is not performed in a faithfully Tudor style, it is still highly effective.

Spinet - lively

This performance on the spinet is the mostly lively of all of these recordings. In this recording I attempted to capture the innate energy in this piece. The spinet’s very bright tone helps to exaggerate this energetic mood. This tone in combination with the quick tempo makes this performance completely different to the performance on the harpsichord. The phrasing used in this interpretation helps to drive the music forward, thanks to a one-in-the-bar feel. Despite being completely different to the other renditions, I think that this version is also very convincing.


83 – O ye tender babes


89 – The wretched wandringe prince of troye