89 – The wretched wandringe prince of troye



Neutral Spinet Recording

Chamber Organ - lively

In this recording I attempted to transform this piece into a lively rendition of the original madrigal. The use of the bright and light 4’ flute and lively tempo helps to realise this artistic vision. As the tempo was much faster, the ornamentation needed to be more simplistic. Despite the ornamentation being more simplistic it is still charmingly effective. The sound of this recording reminds me of the clock organs commonly used during the classical period by Mozart and Haydn. This rendition was partly inspired by the works written by Mozart and Haydn for such instruments. Typically, these pieces are gentle, lively, and somewhat flippant in nature. Yet still very charming and effective pieces of music.


Spinet - slow and expressive

This performance on the spinet makes use of a slightly slower tempo and more generous ornamentation. This is coupled with indulgent chord spreading and the drawing out of suspensions and dissonances. A slower and more ornamented interpretive approach seems to highlight the more delicate aspects of this piece’s affect. This is another recording which I’m particularly fond of the outcome. I could easily imagine Thomas Mulliner performing this piece in such a way privately in his own time.


88 – I smyle to see howe yow devyse


90 – When Cressyde wente from troye